The new RyseUp WEARABLE

The RyseUp Frequency Wearable is definitely going to become everyones beloved powerfully all-day companion.

Learn here all about the new standard in Wellness with rapid repetitions of frequency combinations that nourish body, mind and soul


No cables, no electrodes, just freedom of movement, everywhere on the go


Offering energetic coherence which stimulates energetic balance, aiding in all aspects of being


Imagine being able to enjoy stress-reducing impulses every day

POWER in your hand


The RyseUp Wearable is your entry into the world of RyseUp frequencies.

This product consists of the RyseUp Wearable device and 20 complimentary -free to play- programs, including 5 programs each in the categories: Physical Wellbeing, Mental Wellbeing, Spiritual Wellbeing and Living Environment Wellbeing.

In total we have 290+ programs diverted over 35 categories in 11 Collections. Each collection exists out of 2 or 3 categories which include several programs.

These programs can be easily compiled via simple to operate app on your smartphone or tablet. 

We advise you to have a look at our brochure in order to choose which collections you would like to add extra beside the standard 20 complementary free to play programs already included.

A great investment in yourself and for your loved ones.

RyseUp App

  • Works with Apple, Android and Windows
  • Use on any smartphone or tablet
  • Simple 3-step system to any kind of program
  • Create a Queue for one time playing
  • Make and store several custom playlists
  • Create your favorites overview

Download the RyseUp Collection Catalogue

Want to know everything about all available collections, categories and programs RyseUp offers?

Dowload here the overview of alle Collections

In the future it's possible to upgrade anytime to a higher Option by paying the difference. 

VIDEO Testimonial

Marlie experienced a terrible headache and huge cramps due to monthly problems She was literally crying due to the discomforts. After compiling a playlist of several harmonizing frequency programs that balenced out the disbalences in her biofield, she admitted that 85% of her cramps had gone and her headache as well. The self regulating capabilities of the human body are amazing. Of course with the help of some harmonizing RyseUp frequencies the biofield can harmonize itself quicker. The wonder is her own body. The energy flows better and that helps to cope with things.

Disclaimer: RyseUp is a classified as a PEMF+ wellness device and should never be intented nor used as a replacement of medical treatments. Always be sure to deliberate with a medical professional first when you have certain medical issues.

PEMF+ Revolution

The next generation 4.0 RyseUp frequency devices with powerful PEMF+ (magnetic field) training

Discover here an overview of how the RyseUp equipement works


We're so excited that we celebrate our first year in RyseUp's existance.. We bring out a small but powerful PEMF+ device for consumers what in the background has been prepared for a long time. Europe and USA already had the chance to discover its powers last year, but now its time for more countries in the world to experience.

I personally was closely involved in this proces from app design, development, testing, many months of online meetings and brainstorm sessions till finally having the product in your hands and FEEL what it is capable of. Its Ultimate Bliss

The power of the RyseUp Wearable is unbelievable, the effects even more. With proud we can say it exceeded our expectations. Now comes the next mission by bringing it to market... Therefor we need your help. We as Premium Reseller are looking for ambassadors, influencers and small business owners to help people experience this kind of wellness. Drop shipping opportunities are also possible.

If you want to know all available news at first hand, and perhaps thinking of becoming one of our ambassadors in Europe, USA and Asia, being part of our Frequency Solutions community. Or you're just interested in being one of the first pioneers to use this new technology as a customer. You're welcome in every way.

Mart Reker

Global Ambassador RyseUp


Fill out your details if you would like to have information or order your wearable and we closely update you anytime we have more news. You will receive access to our Telegram groups.

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