Are you an Influencer?

Unlock a lot of possibilities

Collaborating with Pascal and Mart via their platform Frequency Solutions gives you a lot of advantages. Read all options on this page.

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Do you have an audience that could be interested in the benefits and wonders of Frequencies?

Let's have a chat via zoom.


Be part of our Community

About years ago the journey of Frequency Solutions started in where businesspartners Pascal Wolsink and Mart Reker started combining their strengths together. Over these years they have gathered a lot of knowledge about the Frequency Products they distributed before, under a previous brand name.

Collaborating as an Influencer via our Frequency Solutions platform will give you many benefits. You help us, we help you. Beside an interesting commission payout you have access to the following advantages:

  • Live and Pre-recorded Webinars you can share with your prospects
  • Trainings about products, expert talks, sales and other interesting frequency facts.
  • Knowledge database.
  • Access to our Community telegram groups with updates, testimonials and other tools

As a member of our Frequency Solutions community we welcome you to a beautiful new entrepreneurship collaboration.

Warm regards,

Pascal Wolsink and Mart Reker


After the registration fill out your details here. This will unlock you several privileges.

  • We closely update you anytime we have more news.
  • You will receive access to our Telegram groups.
  • You will soon receive a mail from us with further instructions

How to become an Ambassador?

And how does it work?

We explain it below.

Influencer Ambassador explained

We are very happy with our customers. And some customers become excited ambassadors that spread the word of mouth and help others. How cool would it be if you can get a reward for that?

We give the opportunity to reward those individuals that get excited about our Frequency products.

As a Referrer, Ambassador or Part-time/Professional Influencer, you help others to discover the benefits of our products. And when they buy via a unique link, you'll earn a commission.

Lets have a chat to discover more options about this possibility.